Food choices & diets

There are too many myths and unclarified terms in the world of food. Before we dive into the nutritional world, I would like to clarify some of the most often used words and terms.

We constantly make food choices, which are most often based on our taste preferences, availability, and our budget, and this process becomes more complicated as soon as you add nutritional, health, and environmental factors to your selection. A conscious choice needs information, knowledge and your decision .

Once we start to really explore, we realize that there are many different options to feed ourselves – way more than just the two categories of meat and green eaters! There are many interesting options in-betweens.

Chaumont-sur -Loire

Below I have listed the different diets you may want to follow, so that you can give a name to category you most identify with.

  • PESCATARIANS They eat plant-based foods, eggs, dairy products, sometimes fish, but never meat.
  • LACTO-OVO-VEGETARIANS They eat plant-based foods, eggs, dairy products, but no fish or meat.
  • OVO-VEGETARIANS They eat plant-based foods and eggs, but they exclude dairy products, fish and meat.
  • LACTO-VEGETARIANS They eat plant-based foods and dairy products, but no eggs, no dairy products, no fish and meat.
  • FLEXITARIAN They eat primarily a vegetarian diet, but eat occasionally fish or meat.
  • VEGANS They consume only plant-based foods, but no meat or ANY products derived from animals, like milk and sometimes even honey.

Voila, this list should give you enough options to start your own sustainable food path. Yes?

Vertumnus by Giuseppe Arcimboldo
G. Arcimboldo

“Vertumnus” by Giuseppe Arcimboldo was created in Milan in 1590. It is a portrait of the Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II re-imagined as Vertumnus, the Roman god of metamorphoses in nature and life.

Rudolf’s portrait is composed of fruit, vegetables, and flowers that symbolized the artist’s view of the perfect balance and harmony with nature that the Emperor’s reign represented.

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