Stories about Food

I want to inspire with creative and instructive content
for our children and ourselves,
provide educational tools that clarify without oversimplifying,
that suggest without imposing and
empower to make positive changes.

Learn and Eat

Yes, I have created more than this site and blog. I have written children’s stories about the origin and the production of our food and I hope that these stories will contribue to the discovery of the relationship between nature and food; or, in other words, to the relationship between our environment and our nutrition.

Raising awareness about these subjects will ultimately evoke a bigger sensibility towards nature in our industrialized society and will hopefully lead to a more responsible behavior toward our planet.

I am convinced that the way we eat has a direct influence on the well-being of the planet and I believe that we should teach our childrenfood education’ just as much as math, languages, or art. All change and all progress starts with knowledge and understanding.

Many of us live far away from farms and fields and we are often disconnected from nature. However, while we cannot, and may even not want to move to the countryside with our children, we can bring nature and nature-related knowledge to our children in form of stories, movies or exhibits.

My children’s stories

(work in progress)

I have created children stories with the overarching theme of the discovery of our edible and surrounding nature. The subjects:

  • The discovery of the four seasons and their seasonal produce.
  • Local versus non-local food and the connectedness to one’s home region and surrounding nature.
  • A diary of a pumpkin turns into a children’s thriller and brings this vegetable in the center of the story. The addition of four recipes with detailed instructions will make the children – hopefully- want to get in the kitchen.
  • Each book will have an educational add-on in form of a visual chart or poster. They will explain the details of seasonal food, show a ‘fruit and vegetable map’ of France and Europe or in case of the pumpkin book, show pumpkin recipes for children with detailed instructions.

I have more plans in the future, stories about the water, our animals and ….. well, we will see and I need to keep some surprises.

Meet Leo and his grandmother

The main characters of my instructive but entertaining and fun stories are Leo, a little boy and his grandmother who will bring these subjects alive. Leo lives throughout the year in a city with his busy parents, but he spends all his vacation with his nature-loving grandmother in the countryside. She shows Leo step by step the true origin of his favorite food, the seasons in her ever-changing garden.

A curriculum of the impact of our food on our environment

Together with a vegan primary teacher I have developed the outline of a curriculum how to teach my beloved subject to children in primary or elementary schools. 

Please get in touch if you are interested in any of my stories, educational ideas or general ethos! I’d love to have a chat!